Friday, May 22, 2009

My Buried Birthday Treasures Unearthed At Yard Sales

Boy, did I have a great time at the yard sales last weekend! It was raining and several of them were closed down when I started on Friday. I was on a last minute search for birthday presents. My little girl was turning 4 on Sunday. I searched in quiet desperation on Friday and came up empty handed. So, first thing Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed on a mission, with a two hour time limit, because hubby had a missionary meeting to go to. I looked out the window and you guessed it, more rain! Because it was raining, I headed to a benefit sale inside at our local Fed-Ex. Here is what I found sitting out in the rain, in perfect condition, except for a couple scuffs.This Radio Flyer Trike originally lists for $83.94 and I bought it for $5.00! I would have tried to get it even cheaper, but it was a benefit sale, so I absolutely do not haggle at those.

Next, I found a Cinderella play boutique and a TON of Polly Pockets. My kids have never had Polly Pockets before, so I was not sure if they would like them, but I was in desperation mode, so I forked over $1.50 (talked down from $2.50) for a fashion show stage and a huge Ziploc full of Polly Pocket dolls complete with clothes and shoes and boats and tubs...etc There were about ten Polly Pockets in there, so I guesstimate, that it was about 5 sets. I priced them online at about $15 each, so it was about $75.00 worth of Polly Pockets. I could not find the Cinderella boutique I got at the sale for $1.50 anywhere when I googled it, but on eBay. They had the boutique for about $16 shipped, so I am guessing maybe it was originally $25, I don't really know, but here is the picture. Maybe one of you know.So, I guesstimate that the Pollys and Cinderella were about $100 originally. I paid $3.00 for all.

Now, the price of this last item, a purple Barbie VW Beetle, completely floored me when I was googling it. When I was at the yard sale, she had it marked for $5.00. I talked her down to $2.50, because I thought $5 was asking too much. It was in perfect condition, did not even look played with and it came complete with the car key.This new car is listing on Amazon for $119.45 +$8.49. Is it $127.49...for real? The first words out of my mouth were SHUT UP, to no one in particular, after I picked myself up off the floor! I thought maybe I was looking at the Power Wheels Version, not a barbie car. I checked to make sure and sure enough, it was right. No offense to Mattel, but that price just seems insane! Oh well, someone else's impulse buy that was hardly played with was my gold mine!

I paid $10.50 for what I estimate would have been about $311.43 brand new. The most important thing is that my 4 year old was incredibly excited. She told me it was the best day of her life! Yes, THE single best day out of four whole years on this earth! She also said, "Mommy when I saw all of the presents, I just couldn't believe my eyes!"

I know what you mean, honey, when I saw the retail prices, I just couldn't believe my eyes either.

For more great ideas on saving money check out Frugal Fridays


  1. You got some great deals! Congrats!

  2. I am so inspired to hit some garage sales now! Thanks!

  3. Mandie~ I am glad you are inspired! I have already started picking up Christmas presents for my kids also. I will post about those in the near future.

    Niki and Liz~ Thanks, I was pretty excited!

  4. Like I said.. YOU ARE the WOMAN!!!!
